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Uploading image for new web client theme does not update save-button

The control for uploading should change the save state. Otherwise you have to change Enabled value and back to activate saving which is not the best solution.

Btw. Do you have sample code usable in VAF e.g. if you want to have a CRT-File as base64 via upload

  • Hello,

    From what I understood, when you upload a new file, you don’t need to save as this file is uploaded directly on the server.

    The only time you need to save is when you change the color scheme because it is not automatically saved on server as the file upload does.



  • Hello,

    From what I understood, when you upload a new file, you don’t need to save as this file is uploaded directly on the server.

    The only time you need to save is when you change the color scheme because it is not automatically saved on server as the file upload does.


