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the top menu is no longer available when pressing the ALT key

After recent update of M-Files Online Desktop to 22.5.11436.3 - on Windows 11 (22000.675) the workarounds given previously to show hidden top menu stopped working. Any sugestion how to get the top menu visible?

  • Unfortunately the top menu will be "in the moves" and hopefully soon we can introduce the new menu having the missed features. 

    Please note that some of the menus can be found in the M-Files Desktop 2nd mouse button option menus. 

    Unfortunately the changes Microsoft introduced in Explorer in Windows 11 have caused significant user interface issues that some are still pending of resolution. 

    Please note that we cannot give out any exact date when the features would be back -- the work is in progress. 

  • Unfortunately the top menu will be "in the moves" and hopefully soon we can introduce the new menu having the missed features. 

    Please note that some of the menus can be found in the M-Files Desktop 2nd mouse button option menus. 

    Unfortunately the changes Microsoft introduced in Explorer in Windows 11 have caused significant user interface issues that some are still pending of resolution. 

    Please note that we cannot give out any exact date when the features would be back -- the work is in progress. 

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