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Mass Delete Files

I'm trying to delete about 20,000 files, the M-Files viewer only allows me to see 500 files at a time, so I can only delete 500 files at a time.

Is there a more proper way to delete these files? They are not going anywhere, we just need them to be destroyed.


  • Two options for you:

    1) If these 20,000 files all fall into the same status in a workflow, build a state transition to have the M-Files server carry this out for you. But only pursue this option if these conditions are met: all intended files to be deleted have the same metadata and they are in the same workflow, you can set the trigger to go to the next state and once reached, that state will delete them. 

    2) In M-Files admin, turn up your list view amount. I don't recommend turning it up to 20,000. We have ours set to 1,000, but it's better than 500. You know the limits of your PC's performance. And if you decide to increase the list view number even more, then be aware to revert it back so users don't experience any performance issues. 

  • Two options for you:

    1) If these 20,000 files all fall into the same status in a workflow, build a state transition to have the M-Files server carry this out for you. But only pursue this option if these conditions are met: all intended files to be deleted have the same metadata and they are in the same workflow, you can set the trigger to go to the next state and once reached, that state will delete them. 

    2) In M-Files admin, turn up your list view amount. I don't recommend turning it up to 20,000. We have ours set to 1,000, but it's better than 500. You know the limits of your PC's performance. And if you decide to increase the list view number even more, then be aware to revert it back so users don't experience any performance issues. 

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