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Mass Delete Files

I'm trying to delete about 20,000 files, the M-Files viewer only allows me to see 500 files at a time, so I can only delete 500 files at a time.

Is there a more proper way to delete these files? They are not going anywhere, we just need them to be destroyed.


  • We have had some similar cases (in our case we needed to update certain properties). We developed small background task which would periodically loop over, search for documents and update metadata. Similar would work with destroying. It is VAF-based and could be also stopped when no more documents existing. It is pretty straight forward. If you go that path, let me know and I can support you.

  • We have had some similar cases (in our case we needed to update certain properties). We developed small background task which would periodically loop over, search for documents and update metadata. Similar would work with destroying. It is VAF-based and could be also stopped when no more documents existing. It is pretty straight forward. If you go that path, let me know and I can support you.

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