Restore Scrolling when refreshing View

Hey guys,

losing Focus while working is always annoying.. So I appreciate that M-Files added the Tree Expansion Feature (on refresh View) some time ago..

But still the View is scrolled up when refreshing.. Is it possible to restore also the Scrolling of the view so you don't lose Focus?

Best Regards

  • Just trying to workaround with a AutoHotkey Script:

    #Include DllCallStruct.ahk
    SIF_POS = 4
    SCROLLINFO_SIZE := 7 * 4
    	progHwnd := WinExist("A")
    	ControlGet sbHwnd, Hwnd, , SysListView323, ahk_id %progHwnd%
    	VarSetCapacity(scrollInfo, SCROLLINFO_SIZE, 0)
    	SetInteger(scrollInfo, SCROLLINFO_SIZE)
    	SetInteger(scrollInfo, SIF_POS, 4)
    	r := DllCall("GetScrollInfo", "UInt", sbHwnd, "Int", "1", "UInt", &scrollInfo)
    	Sleep, 500
    	Send {F5}
    	Sleep, 500
    	r := DllCall("SetScrollInfo", "UInt", sbHwnd, "Int", "1", "UInt", &scrollInfo, "UInt", 1)

    Hotkey is STRG+F5, then the Script keeps the actual Scrollbar Position, refreshes the Window and then restores the saved Position.. Problem is after a short time it the Scrollbar jumps again at the top.. Guess I'm doing something wrong, maybe someone with Programming Skills can help..