Activate a Specific Workflow from Metadata

Good Day,

I need to a way to trigger/use a specific workflow depending on the Metadata or user...

So example:

User A saved the document in class "Drawings" - Use workflow A

User B saved the document in the same class "Drawings" - But Use workflow B

So I cant set the default workflow for new object on the class under Properties since I need to trigger deferent workflows...

Parents Reply
  • Yeah, I think I will go that route for now.

    This is going to be for external users that access M-Files and from different companies, just afraid the workflow might become "to massive" or complicated when we onboard allot of external users/companies, since every scenario will be different depending on the contract we have on hand. I will go and think a bit on how I can make the workflow a bit more "intelligent"... 

    Thank you.
