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Idea: Search Preview in M-Files Desktop like in Forum

Just an Idea, when you type in the Search Box here in the Community a Preview pops out..

I could imagine the Functionality in M-Files Desktop like this:

1) Type Keyword

2) Preview shows some Elements

3) You click one Element and it shows this Element alone in a View

Advantage would be that user has only the Element he wants to work with and not the Rest of the Search which is sometimes a bit much.. For the Classic behaviour you could simply hit enter after entering the Keywords like how it is now..

  • Thanks for the feedback, content snippets in the search results is something we've been planning and want to do eventually. I've added a positive vote on this in our internal development tracker (ID 126808) but cannot yet give an estimate of when such snippets would be added to the search. Currently the search team is working on enhancements to the M-Files Web search experience, you should see these released in the first half of 2024.

  • Thanks for the feedback, content snippets in the search results is something we've been planning and want to do eventually. I've added a positive vote on this in our internal development tracker (ID 126808) but cannot yet give an estimate of when such snippets would be added to the search. Currently the search team is working on enhancements to the M-Files Web search experience, you should see these released in the first half of 2024.
