M-Files Client / Admin Tools on Windows 10 ARM (for M3 Macs)

earlier update for the topic is from over 1 ago... any updated thoughts and plans to add windows clients to support ARM architecture?




  • No updates as far as I know, ARM support is not on the active roadmap.

  • Windows 11 has x64 Emulation, does this work with M-Files Admin?

  • Nope, requires that ARM support is included while compiling.


  • Not it does not:

    Windows 11 extends that emulation to run unmodified x64 Windows apps on Arm-powered devices.

    I'm talking about 64bit x86 Emulation, which is added with Windows 11 on ARM.. Windows 10 ARM could only emulate 32bit x86 Apps.. Programs don't even know they are being emulated.. BUT there are things which can prevent successfull Emulation (see also the link you posted).. So someone needs to test.. I would do it but replaced the Windows 11 on my ARM Device for a Windows 10 IOT Enterprise LTSC, cause it runs much faster ony my slow device..

  • Can't install the m-files package. No possiblity to set compatibility mode either.

  • Unfortunately currently our official system requirements do not list this as a supported environment: Operating System Requirements (m-files.com)

    Whilst there may be people who have this working in some capacity - and who may try to help you move this forward - please understand that answers from M-Files employees such as Joonas and I will be to point at the official documentation until such a time as this is supported officially.

  • So you tried and it doesn't work.. Only thing which comes to my mind is running M-Files on a x86 Computer and RDP into it from your mac.. Via Remote App it feels almost like running the App locally.. I dont think M-Files will ever support arm in their current Client..

  • I'm just a bit disapointed with the situation due company Macbook change from Intel to ARM model due end of leasing period. I did not realise this techology gap in advance with latest models.

  • Wait, do you run the Windows 11 inside MacOS? If yes maybe try to boot Windows 11 arm64 directly on the Bare Metal?

  • Now that Windows 11 has added the support to run unmodified x64 Windows apps on Arm-powered devices (at least according to the Microsoft documentation), I assume that the technical blocker is the kernel-mode driver that M-Files Desktop includes. That would result in exactly the kind of behavior that's seen in the screenshot above, i.e., failing to start the MFClient service because a dependency service (the driver) failed to start.

    If you have the opportunity, you could try verifying this assumption by trying to install only the "M-Files Server" and "M-Files Server Tools" components. If the installation of those components succeeds and the M-Files Server service starts without issues, it seems clear that then only the kernel mode driver in M-Files Desktop would be the technical issue.

    I can't promise that we would product an Arm-compatible version of the kernel-mode driver any time soon, but we'd be a step closer if we knew that it is likely the only remaining missing part.

  • Hello, so yes it is possible to install "M-Files Server" and "M-Files Server Tools" (I just tried with the last version of Windows 11 insider preview) but it doesn't work Disappointed

  • Hello, so yes it is possible to install "M-Files Server" and "M-Files Server Tools" (I just tried with the last version of Windows 11 insider preview) but it doesn't work Disappointed

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