M-Files oAuth2.0 working with M-Files Desktop, but no Entra ID challenge for M-Files Web clients

I have set up MFA on our M-Files Azure-based server (not M-Files Cloud-based) using an oAuth2.0 App and Entra ID.

We use OpenConnect ID and this works perfectly for our M-Files 24.6 Desktop users, with the expected Entra ID challenge, and all tokens and authentication working as advertised.

M-Files syncs user accounts from Entra ID using the M-Files AD sync plug-in and this also works perfectly.

The server is also configured to use M-Files Web as the default Web Server (v24.6) and M-Files Web itself works fine.

  • However, there is no Entra ID MFA challenge for our M-Files Web Clients - they are only challenged for their M-Files Windows credentials in M-Files Web, and then are logged straight in.

I have run through all of the documentation thoroughly, and double-checked M-Files Web settings (redirect URIs etc.) in Configurations* in M-Files Admin, but to no avail.

(I have also proved the same behaviour when using a SAML App in Entra ID - it works perfectly for M-Files Desktop, but no Entra ID challenge appears for M-Files Web Users)

  • Is there something obvious we can try to get MFA working for our M-Files Web clients?

Thank you