How to always force delta refresh a specific external OT

Is it possible to force delta refresh to always be performed for a specific external Object Type, instead of the reqular quick/full sync?

We want connector to return only changed items, as opposed to regular non-delta sync where connector returns all the data and M-Files identifies changes.

I have gone through DEFAULT REFRESH LOGIC AND CONFIGURATION OPTIONS FOR EXTERNAL VALUE LISTS AND OBJECT TYPES document but so far have not been able to configure this, sync without delta parmeters set at least always runs during nightly maintenance job.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Antonia,

    For the delta approach you need to make sure you implement the other interface - IDataSourceConnection2, from recollection.

    Have you done this?  If so then the delta approach used by the first-party connectors should also be available to you (as there is nothing special about the first-party ones; they implement the same interfaces).

    As you said there is some logic around which of these statements is used in different situations, but it should operate according to the documentation (and, again, be consistent between first- and third-party connectors).
