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admin set substitution on behalf of user?

Former Member
Former Member
Is there a way for an admin to set/edit/remove a substitution on behalf of a user?  Say, for example, that a user set a substitution before going on vacation, but they set it to the wrong person(s). Is there a way to override the user's substitution setting?
  • Unfortunately, that is not supported currently.

    Overall, I would recommend as a best practice to use Employee objects within the vault. Each employee object should then have a property called "M-Files user account" that uses the user list. So if you have an employee object for John Doe, you would link that employee to the corresponding vault user. You could then add another property called "Substitute user" and use that to always specify the substitute user. This way, you can do all kinds of magic, such as set the expiry date for the substitution with workflows etc. Then in workflows, you'd just configure assignments so that they go to "Employee.M-Files user" and to "Employee.Substitute user".
