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Change Permissions based on Property Metadata

Former Member
Former Member
We are running into some issues with some of our staff Checking Out and editing Templates by mistake.
We would like to restrict all Templates on our server to Read Only, apart from Specific personnel without having to change the Class or Workflow of the Template.
Although it is simple enough to change Permissions Manually, we would like to automate this to ensure as little error as possible.

Is there a simple way to change Permissions on document based on their Metadata?
In this case for example -
if isTemplate = yes, then set permissions to "ACL Read by all, Editable by QMS only"
  • You can use value list items for automatic permissions but this isn't possible with the "Is template" property since it's a Boolean (and built-in properties might have some additional restrictions as well).

    Is there any existing value list property that you can use to distinguish templates from actual documents? If not, a workaround would be to add a new value list property to the vault with an automatic value based on the "Is template" value (you will need to write a small script for this). This value list property would then drive the automatic permissions. You could additionally hide this property from the users if it's not necessary for them to see it.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Hi Joonas,

    Thank you very much for the Recommendation.
    I've set up a Value List with restricted Permissions when set to Template.
    I thereafter setup a rule in the Configurations that will change the value to Template when "is Template" is marked as yes.

    The value list, when added or changed manually will update the Permissions, However the permissions won't update if it is changed automatically by the Rule Configuration.

    Is there a way to get the Rule to get the Permissions to update when it adds the new Value List property?
  • If you mean metadata card configurations then it could be that setting the default value (via Set Value property behavior) doesn't give you the same kind of popup of changed permissions as manually changing the value but the permissions should be correctly set after saving the changes (I haven't tested this though).

    If it seems there is some inconsistency in the functionality you could ask our technical support if this is a known issue and/or if they have some tips or workarounds to offer.