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Re-using workflow for multiple classes

Hi everyone, 

I am currently preparing some new classes which should have exactly the same workflow. Is it possible to re-use workflow for multiple document types? 

This would be very helpful. 

Thanks for info.


  • In the workflow properties you can choose either only one single class, or make the workflow available for all classes.  There's no mechanism to make it available for only 4 or 5 classes in the vault, as an example.

    However, you can have multiple classes that point at the same workflow as a "default workflow".  This doesn't stop someone trying to put another class into this workflow, though.

    For that you could perhaps use a state Pre-Condition.  In here you could state "class one of A, B, C".  The user could technically choose the workflow and attempt to save the object, but it should stop them from actually doing it.



  • In the workflow properties you can choose either only one single class, or make the workflow available for all classes.  There's no mechanism to make it available for only 4 or 5 classes in the vault, as an example.

    However, you can have multiple classes that point at the same workflow as a "default workflow".  This doesn't stop someone trying to put another class into this workflow, though.

    For that you could perhaps use a state Pre-Condition.  In here you could state "class one of A, B, C".  The user could technically choose the workflow and attempt to save the object, but it should stop them from actually doing it.




  • Thanks Craig! I missed that selection on top. 

    I see what you mean: I would need to prevent that users change the workflow for other document types. 

    It would be generally good to enable option in metadata card config to disable workflow selection (similar as disabled "Add property" etc.). That would really help.


  • I can definitely see that as useful, but do be careful about relying on the metadata card configuration.  It is possible to bypass these rules (e.g. by toggling the metadata card to the bottom pane, or by adding objects using the API).

    If you have business rules that must be enforced then you should look to augment any client-side rules that the metadata card configuration applies by also enforcing them via server-side configuration or code such as VBScript or a Vault Application.



  • Hi Craig, 

    I do agree. Definitely always to have client and server side validations (have it on multiple occasions). 

    Still wondering why metadata card rules are not applied more consequent in all areas where metadata card is shown. E.g. in history pop-up windows none of metadata card rules is applied. This confuses people as they see different information on metadata cards when checking in different locations (actually what you mentioned above).

    Coming back to workflow selection: in the most cases assigned workflow should not be changed by users when configured for specific document type. Simple disabling of that selection on document type/class level would be really useful. I will definitely look into option to validate it and user change the value to throw some error but it is really not user friendly.

    Simple disabling of workflow selection through metadata card rules and applying those rules in consequently everywhere where metadata card is shown would very easily solve the problem. 

