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How long does it usually take for the indexing on a Network Folder Connection to work?

I've created  a new Network Folder Connection, configured it and set the Indexing authentication credentials. I can see the folder in my desktop application and I can browse through the folders and files but every search I perform finds zero results. 

Does it normally take a few hours for search to start working or should it be quicker than that?


  • It really depends on the number of files on the network folder and on the capacity of your server. I have seen examples where it took several days to complete indexing. Also you should beware that new files added to the network folder does not necessarily show up in search results shortly after they have been added. This depends on how often indexing is refreshed.

  • It really depends on the number of files on the network folder and on the capacity of your server. I have seen examples where it took several days to complete indexing. Also you should beware that new files added to the network folder does not necessarily show up in search results shortly after they have been added. This depends on how often indexing is refreshed.

  • Thanks. Is there anyway to check progress at all or even to verify that indexing is running? It's been 24 hours now on a relatively small fileshare and I am getting zero results. I'll give it another day or two but would be useful if there was some way of knowing that indexing was happening? Thanks

  • You should be able to see something in the index log files on the server. They can be found in the folder where the vault stores secondary data. Check content of these files:

    • indexlog.finished1.txt
    • index_v.ix.log
    • indexlog.dat
    • history.ix

    They can be opened with Notepad++ and similar text editors.

  • Thanks. There is an indexlog.finished1.txt file in there which was updated this morning. It shows time as 00:00, Words in index 85, Documents in index 0.

    I'm assuming therefore that my network folder connections are not being indexed. I've added a second connection as a test this morning which points to a small sub folder with about 50 files in it. That isn't searchable either although I can browse through it. I also added metadata to one of the documents in that folder to make it a promoted document. It simply can't be found by search. It shows in my Recent items list, it has a Class assigned, other metadata etc etc. It won't show in Views, Searches, anything. I've raised a ticket with M-Files Support. I'm obviously doing something wrong but I've been through the configuration document a number of times and cannot find any obvious errors. 

    I just can't search anything :(

  • Try restarting the server or at least the MF server service.

    If that does not help you may want to contact MF Support for help.