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Break up email subject and map to properties

If I poll a mailbox using M-Files, and the subject line has 4 delimiters, how can I map the data for each value in the subject line to properties on the class?

I am familiar with regex so no issues wtih this approach, but am not clear how. The only thing I can come up with is to map the entire subject line to a property, and then run a script on that property which uses regex to break up the 5 values in the subject line to map to properties. Again, my only issue is how.

If someone has any suggestions or samples they can share that would be great.



  • Hi Adam,

    Have done something similar. Below is the active part of my script as inspiration. I have it running in an Event Handler that is triggered after mailimport. In this step I just split the filename and place the values in separate text properties. Some of them need to be converted to lookup values. I have deliberately kept that as separate operation to allow for manual error handling in cases where the imported filename might not fully comply with expected format or content. Note that by default the Split function uses space as delimiter. This can be configured differently if you need to. See

    	Dim oFileNameSegments
    	dim iPDUplFileName : iPDUplFileName = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.UploadedFileName")
    	Dim szUplFileNameF : szUplFileNameF = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(iPDUplFileName).TypedValue.DisplayValue
    	Dim szUplFileName : szUplFileName = Replace(szUplFileNameF,"  "," ") 'remove incidental double spaces
    	if len(szUplFileName & "") > 0 then
    		oFileNameSegments = split(szUplFileName)
    		Dim oFilelist : set oFileList = Vault.ObjectFileOperations.GetFiles(ObjVer)
    		If oFileList.Count > 0 then 
    			Dim szFileName1 : szFileName1 = oFileList.Item(1).Title
    			oFileNameSegments = split(szFileName1)
    			oFileNameSegments = split(PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(0).TypedValue.DisplayValue)
    		End if
    	End if
    	'check that number of segments is qreater that or equal to the number required.
    	'note that the first segment is item 0, so the count needs to be 1 higher than the segment number wanted.
    	Dim thisProperty : set thisProperty = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
    	if (uBound(oFileNameSegments) + 1) >= 1 then
    		Dim iPDQCtxt : iPDQCtxt = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.QCtxt.Class")
    		thisProperty.PropertyDef = iPDQCtxt
    		thisProperty.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeText, oFileNameSegments(0)
    		Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, thisProperty 
    	end if
    	if (uBound(oFileNameSegments) + 1) >= 2 then
    		Dim iPDItemNo : iPDItemNo = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.QCtxt.ItemNo")
    		thisProperty.PropertyDef = iPDItemNo
    		thisProperty.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeText, oFileNameSegments(1)
    		Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, thisProperty 
    	end if
    	if (uBound(oFileNameSegments) + 1) >= 3 then
    		Dim iPDSerialNo : iPDSerialNo = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.QCtxt.SerialNo")
    		thisProperty.PropertyDef = iPDSerialNo
    		thisProperty.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeText, oFileNameSegments(2)
    		Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, thisProperty 
    	end if
    	if (uBound(oFileNameSegments) + 1) >= 4 then
    		Dim iPDPuNo : iPDPuNo = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.QCtxt.PurchaseNo")
    		thisProperty.PropertyDef = iPDPuNo
    		thisProperty.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeText, oFileNameSegments(3)
    		Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, thisProperty 
    	end if
    	if (uBound(oFileNameSegments) + 1) >= 5 then
    		Dim iPDTAG : iPDTAG = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.QCtxt.TAG")
    		thisProperty.PropertyDef = iPDTAG
    		thisProperty.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeText, oFileNameSegments(4)
    		Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, thisProperty 
    	end if
    	if (uBound(oFileNameSegments) + 1) >= 6 then
    		Dim iPDVenRef : iPDVenRef = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias("PD.QCtxt.VendorRef")
    		thisProperty.PropertyDef = iPDVenRef
    		thisProperty.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeText, oFileNameSegments(5)
    		Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, thisProperty 
    	end if

  • Thank for your the response Karl. Greatly appreciated. I will give it a go and let you know how I go. 

  • Hi Adam,

    for this type of case, you can use our Extension Kit, a no-code solution for M-Files. With the Extended property operations module, you can create a rule that uses regex to separate values. I've created this demo rule to make the features of this module easier to see.

    I've created properties Subject, First Value, Second Value, Third Value, Fourth Value, and Fifth Value. For testing purposes, I put the value of Subject as "abc-asd-qwe-fgh-ioa".
    With Extended property operations I created a rule which triggers when an object is created. There are 5 different property setters in this configuration (one for each value). In the first picture, you can see an example of setting First Value where I wrote a regex that groups words with separator "-" and selected the "0" group. Then for each property, I matched different groups (1 for Second Value, 2 for Third Value etc.).
    This is the end result:

    I hope this helps and feel free to ask any questions.