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Missing "Scripting" option in Advanced Vault Settings

Hi M-Files, 

I have a strange situation where the "Scripting" config on Configurations -> "Advanced Vault Settings" are not provided on some of our vaults.

It exists on 2 environments but on other 2 not:

Do I need to enable something on those 2 other vaults? I really need this option as I am hitting some limits for re-calculations.



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  • Hi Joonas, 

    Thanks. Yes, you are right, I've found yesterday that some of users are sysadmins and some others not who needs to updated this config.

    What is very strange and I believe actually potential security leak: non sysadmin but local server admin can open M-Files Admin tool and update his/her account to be sysadmin! This seems to be really a security problem. It seems that anyone who has local admin account on server can go to M-Files and add others to be sysadmin on M-Files server. Very strange concept.



  • That's by design to prevent you from locking yourself out of the system completely by accident. Local server admins anyway have a lot of power and could find ways to get around any restrictions since they can access and modify the file system, registry and so on.

    If you have concerns about this, I recommend raising them via your M-Files representative.