Compliance Kit Auto Calculated Title


I have a situation where the customer wants a concatenated title, but there is a field in the concatenation that will sometimes be empty.  Rather than have an ampersand and an awkward space, I created two Auto Calculation rules in the Compliance Kit to filter on if that field is empty and concatenate appropriately.

The rules work well enough, but here's the problem.  The title still insists on being populated at creation of the object.  I cannot change the permissions or make it optional since it's Set as Name.  If I indicate an auto calculation in the property definition's properties (so it does not demand a useless title to be replaced), anything put in that concatenation is given priority over anything the Compliance Kit tries to calculate, regardless of any attempts to adjust the calculation order.  Priority inside the compliance kit only applies to other compliance kit rules.  Is there a way to tell M-Files to prioritize the CK calculation over the property definition's calculation?

This is a cloud vault, if that limits my options.

Parents Reply
  • I often just put a simple, temporary title like "new" in as default value in MetaData Card Configuration to allow the object to be saved and then have Compliance Kit or other tools calculate and insert the correct name before the check in becomes final. This works fine both with automated object creation and for users creating the objects manually. You may have to put something like "automatic name, don't change" as default value to guide users to skip this property.

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