Print PDF from Workflow

Just wondering, we can convert to PDF via Workflow but we cannot Print to a physical Printer.. Is there any possibility to achieve a physical print after converting to PDF? Maybe someone already wrote a VBScript for this and can share or knows an Addon which adds this Functionality..Thank you!

  • That script should be a local one, as the server is (usually) at the Cloud Server, which does not have any printer drivers - and no, it cannot have those. The workflow is executed on the server side, and the client presents the done steps. 

    You should have some client-side process to monitor if such a way exists. It should be able to refresh the view and, when some action has been executed, to make a print of the result. It sounds like quite a complicated way of doing things. 

    However, the whole idea of the M-Files is to aim for a paperless office, so why "waste" environmental resources by automatically printing stuff? 

    I would consider other ways. 

  • That script should be a local one, as the server is (usually) at the Cloud Server, which does not have any printer drivers - and no, it cannot have those. The workflow is executed on the server side, and the client presents the done steps. 

    You should have some client-side process to monitor if such a way exists. It should be able to refresh the view and, when some action has been executed, to make a print of the result. It sounds like quite a complicated way of doing things. 

    However, the whole idea of the M-Files is to aim for a paperless office, so why "waste" environmental resources by automatically printing stuff? 

    I would consider other ways. 
