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SaveConfiguration could not be completed

Dear All,

One of my vaults sends - Parameter is incorrect - The vault settings operation SaveConfiguration could not be completed - error message when I would like to save any metadata card rule.

I'm with full admin permission.

Error: A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni.
A paraméter nem megfelelő. (Object serialized to String. JObject instance expected.)
at MFilesErrorHelper.GetAsyncRejectionError (/lib/mfiles/MFilesErrorHelper.js:24:17)
at Anonymous function (/lib/mfiles/helpers/VaultExtensionMethodCaller.js:88:21)
AsyncCaller.cpp, 362, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
CoVaultExtensionMethodOperations.cpp, 169, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
LatestRPC.generated.cpp, 47573, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
RPCVaultExtensionMethods.cpp, 571, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
RPCVaultExtensionMethods.cpp, 148, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
MCallInLoop.h, 521, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
RPCVaultExtensionMethods.cpp, 854, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
VaultSettingsConfigurationEvents.cpp, 148, A(z) "SaveConfiguration" irattárbeállítási műveletet nem lehetett befejezni. (0x8004014A)
VaultSettingsConfigurationEvents.cpp, 148, A paraméter nem megfelelő. (Object serialized to String. JObject instance expected.) (0x80070057)
(M-Files 23.10.13060.5 2023-11-16T11:06:01.007Z)

I checked the indicators. There are some simple duplicate key error, what I could not correct because of error above.

I tried it in other vaults and there is OK, so the problem will be at this vault.

What should I check? Could you help me?

Thanks in advance,

Parents Reply Children
  • Dear Joonas,

    Yes, it is a central vault with 38 rules and some subrules, but I think it is not a lot.

    Could you help me, where I can check the size?

    We use TCP/IP protocol to server connection.

    And I don't know if it means anything, but I didn't want to create new rules, I wanted to do changing some simple settings.


  • I think you need to copy-paste the whole rule set from the Advanced tab to, for instance, Notepad and check the file size after saving. There's no size indication in M-Files Admin.

    If you have the possibility to run M-Files Admin directly on the server, then you can use local gRPC as the protocol. That should avoid the issue.

  • I used the Export to file function and your recommendation with same result.

    It is only 283 kB.

    I am afraid, I am not able to work directly on the server.

  • Alright, if that's the size then I suppose you are facing another issue. You may want to raise this with your reseller for further support if you don't get other suggestion on this forum.

  • Success!!!

    With our hungarian support colleague we found the rules, which caused the problem.

    There were some default set value settings as localized value at text properties. After removing these settings, the saveing was successfully.

    It is interesting, after it we set same rules again and the save still working.

    Thank you for your time,