M-Files Server on Windows Server Core (without GUI)?

Hey guys,

does anyone run M-Files on Windows Server Core? Does it work theoretically?

Best Regards

  • I believe this should be technically possible, M-Files Cloud uses Windows Server Core as the server OS. You just need to make sure you can perform all the server management somehow (e.g. remotely) since you cannot run for instance M-Files Admin on the server itself due to the lack of GUI. We don't have any specific guidance for this scenario though and I would recommend using the normal Windows Server versions in your own environments for better supportability.

  • I believe this should be technically possible, M-Files Cloud uses Windows Server Core as the server OS. You just need to make sure you can perform all the server management somehow (e.g. remotely) since you cannot run for instance M-Files Admin on the server itself due to the lack of GUI. We don't have any specific guidance for this scenario though and I would recommend using the normal Windows Server versions in your own environments for better supportability.

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