Restore Vault

Hello team,
I have finished configuring QMS on the Test server with SQL Server as the database server and now I want to restore this vault on the production server.

Could you please assist us on how to restore this vault a documentation can be better?

  • First you probably want to copy the vault on the test server to get an empty vault without any test objects in it.
    Be careful to get the content of value lists and other relevant content included in the copy.

    When ready you must take the vault off line in MF Admin
    Then you need MS SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the SQL server and create a backup of the database.
    Copy the backup file and the File data folder on to the production server.
    Use MS SQL Server Management Studio to restore the database.
    Use MF Admin to Attach the document vault.

  • First you probably want to copy the vault on the test server to get an empty vault without any test objects in it.
    Be careful to get the content of value lists and other relevant content included in the copy.

    When ready you must take the vault off line in MF Admin
    Then you need MS SQL Server Management Studio to connect to the SQL server and create a backup of the database.
    Copy the backup file and the File data folder on to the production server.
    Use MS SQL Server Management Studio to restore the database.
    Use MF Admin to Attach the document vault.
