Automatic Logout Not Working - New Web Server-Specific Timeout

Hi all,

I have the New M-Files Web configured and working.
I want to make my users log out automatically after several minutes - for example 10.
I have read and followed that document:
Specifying the Automatic Logout Time in M-Files.pdf and set the Server-Specific Session Timeout Setting for the New M-Files Web.

This setting doesn't work unless Vault-Specific Session Timeout Setting for the New M-Files Web is configured too.

Working example:
registry - 5 mins and Advanced Vault setting - 6 min
It logs out the user around the eight minute which is ok.

Not working example:
registry - 5 mins and Advanced Vault setting > Manage client settings centrally > never been set to Yes, so there is no vault specific logout time set.
And it still doesn't log out the users even though the registry /server logout/ is set.

I want to set it only in the registry/server specific logout/. The reason is that I want to enable the new web on another clients server where the msi packages of MF Desktop have been modified
via the customizer (vbs, xml, etc, its in M-Files documentation) + customized virtual drive letter.
I think enabling the AVS > Manage client settings centrally will cause unwanted behavior of the installed desktop clients in this scenario.

Any idea whether its possible to use only the server-specific setting via the registry and still be working?

  • Did you notice this statement in the document you linked: "The session timeout does not occur when the user has one of these user interfaces open. Instead, it occurs when the client is no longer connected to the server. For example, the session times out after the user has closed all web browser tabs that are connected to the vault, or when the client computer loses its internet connection."

    So if you are expecting it to automatically log out a user who has M-Files Web still open in the browser, it's not designed to work that way. If you tested that it works that way with the vault-specific setting, then there must be some difference in the implementation between these two settings.

  • Hi,
    I saw that statement and the browser tab with M-Files Web was closed. I tried even with the whole browser being closed.
    Tried with different browsers too and it doesn't log out the users and shows the concurrent licenses still in use.

    It seems like the server-specific setting for automatic logout doesn't work on its own( when you don't have the vault-specific logout set up it does not log you out).

  • If you restarted the M-Files Server service like instructed and it still doesn't work, it sounds like a misfunction to me. As far as I know the server setting should work on its own. I suggest raising this with M-Files Support or your M-Files reseller if you want it to be investigated.

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