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Deny changes to document but not to metadata


Is there a way to dey changes to the document (file) and to permitt to change the metadata fields?



  • This is not currently possible with permission settings: edit rights give you the permission to edit both the file and the metadata.

    If you can describe your use case a bit we may be able to think of an alternative solution. What kinds of documents are these? Are there a lot of them? And so on.

  • Hello Joonas!

    We are saving outgoing PDF quotes in the Class "Quotes". A workflow which starts automatically sets the permission to read only. That is necessary because nobody should be able to change the document.

    In case of an order whe create a project. To link the quote to the project it should be possible to fill in the metadata property "project" which is part of the metadata properties in the quote.

    There approximately 10 quotes per day. 



  • Thanks for the explanation. One option that comes to mind in this case would be to use the free Managed Properties module so that when creating the project, the user would actually link the project to the quote (through "Quote" property) and not the other way around. The Managed Property module would then update the quote document with the link to the project automatically. Since the updating of the quote document is done by the M-Files Server, the document permissions can be set to read-only. (I haven't tested this though, but I think it should work like that.)

    Does that sound like something that would work in your case?

    Managed Properties is delivered through the Compliance Kit vault application and the free license for Managed Properties is also available on the M-Files Catalog:

  • This aproach sounds good. I will try to install the Managed Property module

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