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M-Files Web Access Port 80 used by other system

Hi all,

Would there be any issue if other system in the server is using port 80 ?

We wanted to setup internal web access for M-Files but there is also other system in the server that is using port 80.

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  • Hi Karl,

    Thank you for the response. However, I have another question.

    I have configured as new website. You can see the screenshot below:

    The thing is, the URL for M-Files Web is <>. How can I edit the URL so that it will be something like this <>/mfiles

    So that, we can also access other app with similar URL <>/otherapp as mentioned by you.

    I am afraid that I might overlooked some configuration.

  • You need to add each of those sites either as separate sites in IIS or as virtual directories under the default website. In the screenshot below I can access localhost, localhost/classic and localhost/test as 3 different sites. Notices that the content of Test in this case needs to be in the folder G:\demo\logs\test.

  • Hi Karl,

    Thanks. I just add the new site as virtual directories under the default website and now it is working as expected.