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Merge values from multiple 'Choose from list' properties

Hi, I have a 'Project' object which gets tagged with several mutli-select user lists: Project User, Project Approver etc

I want to get a single combined list of their Organisations, to illustrate which companies are on the project. Ideally with Compliance Kit config rather than VBscript

I can create a Managed Property rule which will return the multi-select list of orgs from 'Project User.Organisation', but if I add another rule for 'Project Approver.Organisation' they will overwrite each other

So, I need to somehow merge all the project team into a single combined list and then get 'Combined Users.Organisation',... or I need to get the various user types' organisations individually and then merge them

How can I merge values from several multi-select properties into a single multi-select property? 
Many thanks

  • Scripting is probably the only way. You would need to create an array and then get lookup IDs from each of the properties and add them to the array. When done you can save that array to the combined property.

  • Hi Spooky,

    I might have a solution for you without scripting Slight smile

    At Unitfly we developed Extension Kit that can help you with this case, just configure as we did below by using the Property Operation module (also make sure to add a new property that would do such an operation):

    For more information, you can check our Extension Kit Customer Portal or just reach out to me at

    Hope this helps,


  • Here's what I ended up with

    ' H.EventHandler.MergeContactLists 
    ' Merge separate Contact lists into one combined list
    ' Filter by Object Type = Workflow
    Dim iWorkflow : iWorkflow = Vault.ObjectTypeOperations.GetObjectTypeIDByAlias("H.Object.Workflow")
    If ObjVer.Type = iWorkflow Then 
    	' Filter by Class = Make Confidential
        Dim iClassId
        iClassId = Vault.ClassOperations.GetObjectClassIDByAlias("H.Class.MakeConfidential")
    	Dim oPropVal : Set oPropVal = CreateObject("MFilesApi.PropertyValues")
    	Set oPropVal = Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.GetProperties(ObjVer)	
    	If oPropVal.SearchForProperty(MFBuiltInPropertyDefClass).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookup.Item = iClassId Then 
    '''''''''' Get the Users tagged on the Workflow in different properties
    		' Property 1 - 'Named Project Users' - this is the first source that will be read from
    		Dim oProp1Alias : oProp1Alias = "H.Property.NamedProjectUsers"
    		Dim oLookup1 : Set oLookup1 = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
    		Dim oLookups1 : Set oLookups1 = oPropVal.SearchForPropertyByAlias(Vault, oProp1Alias, True).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups
            ' Property 2 - 'Named Project Approver' - this is an additional source that will be read from
    		Dim oProp2Alias : oProp2Alias = "H.Property.NamedProjectApprover"
    		Dim oLookup2 : Set oLookup2 = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
    		Dim oLookups2 : Set oLookups2 = oPropVal.SearchForPropertyByAlias(Vault, oProp2Alias, True).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups
    		' Property 3 - 'Named Task Team Users' - this is an additional source that will be read from
    		Dim oProp3Alias : oProp3Alias = "H.Property.NamedTaskTeamUsers"
    		Dim oLookup3 : Set oLookup3 = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
    		Dim oLookups3 : Set oLookups3 = oPropVal.SearchForPropertyByAlias(Vault, oProp3Alias, True).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups
    		' Property 4 - 'Named Project Task Team Approver' - this is an additional source that will be read from
    		Dim oProp4Alias : oProp4Alias = "H.Property.NamedProjectTaskTeamApprover"
    		Dim oLookup4 : Set oLookup4 = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
    		Dim oLookups4 : Set oLookups4 = oPropVal.SearchForPropertyByAlias(Vault, oProp4Alias, True).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups
    		' Property 5 - 'Named Users' - this is an additional source that will be read from
    		Dim oProp5Alias : oProp5Alias = "H.Property.NamedUsers"
    		Dim oLookup5 : Set oLookup5 = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
    		Dim oLookups5 : Set oLookups5 = oPropVal.SearchForPropertyByAlias(Vault, oProp5Alias, True).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups
    '''''''''' Combine the different properties into a single list
    		' Create a temporary list starting with 'Named Project Users'
    		Dim oDictionary : Set oDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    		For Each oLookup1 In oLookups1
    		    Call oDictionary.Add(oLookup1.DisplayValue, 0)
    		' If the 'Named Project Approver' does not already exist in the temporary list, add it to oLookups1 & update the temp list
    		For Each oLookup2 In oLookups2
    			If Not oDictionary.Exists(oLookup2.DisplayValue) Then 
    				oLookups1.Add -1, oLookup2
    				Call oDictionary.Add(oLookup2.DisplayValue, 0)
    			End If
    		' If the 'Named Task Team Users' does not already exist in the temporary list, add it to oLookups1 & update the temp list
    		For Each oLookup3 In oLookups3
    			If Not oDictionary.Exists(oLookup3.DisplayValue) Then 
    				oLookups1.Add -1, oLookup3
    				Call oDictionary.Add(oLookup3.DisplayValue, 0)
    			End If
    		' If the 'Named Project Task Team Approver' does not already exist in the temporary list, add it to oLookups1 
    		For Each oLookup4 In oLookups4
    			If Not oDictionary.Exists(oLookup4.DisplayValue) Then 
    				oLookups1.Add -1, oLookup4
    				Call oDictionary.Add(oLookup4.DisplayValue, 0)
    			End If
    		' If the 'Named Users' does not already exist in the temporary list, add it to oLookups1 
    		For Each oLookup5 In oLookups5
    			If Not oDictionary.Exists(oLookup5.DisplayValue) Then 
    				oLookups1.Add -1, oLookup5
    			End If
    '''''''''' Write the combined list back to the object
    		' Property CU - Existing list of Combined Users - this is the destination that will be written to
    		Dim oPropCUAlias : oPropCUAlias = "H.Property.CombinedUsers"
    		Dim oLookupCU : Set oLookupCU = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.Lookup")
    		Dim oLookupsCU : Set oLookupsCU = oPropVal.SearchForPropertyByAlias(Vault, oPropCUAlias, True).TypedValue.GetValueAsLookups
    		' Save the combined list back to the Workflow object
    		Dim oPropertyValue : Set oPropertyValue = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
    		oPropertyValue.PropertyDef = Vault.PropertyDefOperations.GetPropertyDefIDByAlias(oPropCUAlias)
    		Call Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty(ObjVer, oPropertyValue)
    	End If ' End check for Class
    End If ' End check for Object type