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Merge values from multiple 'Choose from list' properties

Hi, I have a 'Project' object which gets tagged with several mutli-select user lists: Project User, Project Approver etc

I want to get a single combined list of their Organisations, to illustrate which companies are on the project. Ideally with Compliance Kit config rather than VBscript

I can create a Managed Property rule which will return the multi-select list of orgs from 'Project User.Organisation', but if I add another rule for 'Project Approver.Organisation' they will overwrite each other

So, I need to somehow merge all the project team into a single combined list and then get 'Combined Users.Organisation',... or I need to get the various user types' organisations individually and then merge them

How can I merge values from several multi-select properties into a single multi-select property? 
Many thanks

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