Notification Email Formatting


I understand that for notifications there is a default template set that can be applied to all notifications. But when I use placeholders in the "Prolog" or "Epilog" sections, I just get back plain text (for example, %NAMEWITHLINKHTML% shows as "%NAMEWITHLINKHTML% ")

Is this a limitation with the default rule?

Parents Reply Children
  • Thanks Joonas -- is there a way to suggest this as a feature? I'm averse to putting common things in each notification action within a workflow. What if the stakeholders decide they want it to look different, or to not include the linked items, etc. -- that becomes a maintenance horror, unless there's another way around that.

    I'm also trying to avoid using common placeholders and HTML in these sections since the notification panel in the workflow editor has a length limit and want to make sure that future maintenance by others is as seamless as possible without any web-coding knowledge.

  • I also want to iterate that if we were able to use variables in the epilog/prolog, we would likely remove the object links from the other existing sections so we can have it be consistent across all notifications for our organization.

  • My understanding is that prolog and epilog are expected to be generic header and footer and the specific notification content (e.g. links to objects) are included in the message body. These links should be in place by default and you shouldn't typically need to modify that many templates, unless there's for instance some additional information you want to add for specific types of notifications.

    It may be worth raising this with your M-Files representative and checking the options if the default notifications don't serve your purposes.