Notification Email Formatting


I understand that for notifications there is a default template set that can be applied to all notifications. But when I use placeholders in the "Prolog" or "Epilog" sections, I just get back plain text (for example, %NAMEWITHLINKHTML% shows as "%NAMEWITHLINKHTML% ")

Is this a limitation with the default rule?

  • It seems this is indeed a limitation of those sections. You should add the placeholders into the actual notification body sections. Many of them contain these kinds of object links by default.

  • Thanks Joonas -- is there a way to suggest this as a feature? I'm averse to putting common things in each notification action within a workflow. What if the stakeholders decide they want it to look different, or to not include the linked items, etc. -- that becomes a maintenance horror, unless there's another way around that.

    I'm also trying to avoid using common placeholders and HTML in these sections since the notification panel in the workflow editor has a length limit and want to make sure that future maintenance by others is as seamless as possible without any web-coding knowledge.

  • Thanks Joonas -- is there a way to suggest this as a feature? I'm averse to putting common things in each notification action within a workflow. What if the stakeholders decide they want it to look different, or to not include the linked items, etc. -- that becomes a maintenance horror, unless there's another way around that.

    I'm also trying to avoid using common placeholders and HTML in these sections since the notification panel in the workflow editor has a length limit and want to make sure that future maintenance by others is as seamless as possible without any web-coding knowledge.
