Multiple Object Creation in M-Files

We are planning to develop a VAF capable of creating two or more distinct objects whenever a single object is created.

There is an application in the M-Files HR Demo Vault called "HR Extended Use Cases". We aim to replicate a similar VAF here for broader customer utilization.

Here's an illustration: We manage 5 different types of objects related to employee data in M-Files. Therefore, we intend to create a VAF that automatically generates all associated objects when an Employee object is created. For example, upon creating an Employee object, it should automatically generate Employee Confidential Data, Employee Protected Data (Private), and Employee Payroll objects. This eliminates the need for users to create these three objects separately; they should be generated automatically upon Employee creation. I have also attached snapshots of these objects for your reference.

Could someone please advise on a solution for this requirement? Do we need to develop a new VAF for this purpose, or are there existing built-in solutions that can achieve this?

Please let me know if additional information is required. Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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  • Hi Karl

    Thanks for your prompt respond.

    I attempted using the Object creator, but it doesn't automatically generate the other objects upon creating an Employee. Instead, there's a button in the task pane that needs to be clicked to initiate the creation of these objects. I haven't been successful in accomplishing this using the compliance Kit. Could you please provide more detail and advise where I might be going wrong?

    Regarding the extension Kit, separate subscriptions are required, which the customer currently doesn't want to use. Therefore, could you please suggest an alternative solution, may be VAF?

    I can see that the similar feature is in Use in M-Files Demo HR Vault. After investigating I've found that they have used a VAF application called "HR Extended Use Cases" to achieve that so i might thinking about building a VAF but need some suggestions where to start with.

    Looking forward for your suggestions.