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I need to get the users ID using the username information through VBScript

I'm creating a user via vbscript below:

"Option Explicit

Dim oServerApp: set oServerApp = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.MFilesServerApplication")
oServerApp.Connect 2, "user", "password", "SERVERNAME", "ncacn_ip_tcp", "localhost", "2266", "DEMO VAULT NAME", false
Dim oVault: Set oVault = oServerApp.LogInToVaultAdministrative(VaultGUID)

Dim oEmail: oEmail = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(1089).TypedValue.DisplayValue

Dim oLoginAccount: Set oLoginAccount = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.LoginAccount")
Dim oUserAccount: Set oUserAccount = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.UserAccount")

oLoginAccount.AccountType = MFLoginAccountTypeMFiles
oLoginAccount.LicenseType = MFLicenseTypeConcurrentUserLicense
oLoginAccount.EmailAddress = oEmail
oLoginAccount.Enabled = True
oLoginAccount.UserName = "user-" & oEmail

oServerApp.LoginAccountOperations.AddLoginAccount oLoginAccount, "Testepassword"

oUserAccount.Enabled = true
oUserAccount.InternalUser = true
oUserAccount.LoginName = "omega-" & oEmail

'oVault.UserOperations.ModifyUserAccount oUserAccount
oVault.UserOperations.AddUserAccount oUserAccount


Now you need to set this user created on a property of type list that points to M-files users.

Dim oPropVal : Set oPropVal = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
oPropVal.PropertyDef = 1150
oPropVal.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, ??????
Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal

I know the "MFDatatypeLookup" requires the ID.

How to get the userid I created?

Can anyone provide a code example?

  • I'm not a VBScript expert but according to the API reference the AddUserAccount method ( seems to return the created user account, so you should be able to get the ID from the UserAccount object (

  • Thanks for your help!
    I have no experience with VBscript, could you send me an example script?

  • dim userid : set userid = oVault.UserOperations.AddUserAccount(oUserAccount)

  • New error: 

    RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 9535, Value '80' does not exist, or is a conflict object. (0x800408E8)

    The script created the user account and it has this ID. Just failed to set the value on the property.

  • well in what vault you wanted to create the user? in oVault or in Vault?

    Where do you set the id of user? 

    Probably this line should be:

    oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal

  • well in what vault you wanted to create the user? in oVault or in Vault?

    Resp: In oVault.

    Where do you set the id of user?

    Resp: With this part of the script:

    Dim oPropVal : Set oPropVal = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
    oPropVal.PropertyDef = 1150
    oPropVal.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, userid.ID
    oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal

    Include your last suggestion (oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal) and different error occurred:

    (0057) (0x80040001)
    New Client, StateAction, 31, Object is locked. Try later. Object: 111-34

  • So you are trying to set on oVault, an ObjVer that it is in Vault.

    You need to search for the ObjVer from the oVault, than update the oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal with the proper ObjVer.

  • Not really, the property is in the same Vault (oVault), correct the line by putting "oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal" and this error occurred:

    RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.h, 2348, O objeto esta bloqueado. Tente mais tarde. Object: 111-34 (0x80040041)
    RPCDocumentOperationsHelperPrivate.cpp, 17940, O objeto esta bloqueado. Tente mais tarde. Object: 111-34 (0x80040041)
    (M-Files 21.6.10322.8)

    (0057) (0x80040001)
    (M-Files 21.6.10322.8)

  • oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal

    The ObjVer in this statements is the current ObjVer of the document in your Vault.

    You need to find the ObjVer in oVault.

  • Radu Moca, thank you very much for your help and patience, but I couldn't write the script to find ObjVer in oVault.

  • At this point, the changes not committed yet. I suggest try make changes on the next workflow step where transition is manual. So, may be something like this in next step:

    Dim oEmail: oEmail = PropertyValues.SearchForProperty(1089).TypedValue.DisplayValue
    Dim oUserAccount : Set oUserAccount = Vault.UserOperations.SearchForUserAccount("omega-" & oEmail)
    Dim oPropVal : Set oPropVal = CreateObject("MFilesAPI.PropertyValue")
    oPropVal.PropertyDef = 1150
    oPropVal.TypedValue.SetValue MFDatatypeLookup, oUserAccount.ID
    Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal

    The difference between oVault and Vault is that Vault is an build-in variable that stores the connection to the vault of the current object.oVault is a variable that stores the connection to the vault made through the API.

  • Of course, I understand. 

    But the script ( what I understood of it), there are two vaults involved (vault as in current vault, and oVault, a different vault).

    The script creates a user account in oVault, and then it needs to add that user account into an object.

    So this "oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal" cannot work as ObjVer is from vault, which will not correspond to the ObjVer in oVault. So a search in oVault should be made to bring the desired ObjVer fo the command to work.

    Maybe I understood wrong the scope of the script.

  • Of course, I understand. 

    But the script ( what I understood of it), there are two vaults involved (vault as in current vault, and oVault, a different vault).

    The script creates a user account in oVault, and then it needs to add that user account into an object.

    So this "oVault.ObjectPropertyOperations.SetProperty ObjVer, oPropVal" cannot work as ObjVer is from vault, which will not correspond to the ObjVer in oVault. So a search in oVault should be made to bring the desired ObjVer fo the command to work.

    Maybe I understood wrong the scope of the script.
