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Masking sensitive fields

Masking might be the wrong term, but I'm looking for a way to mask sensitive field data for users.  Example, we have a form that requires SS#.  I'd like the user to be able to enter it, but when saved is displayed as ***-**-1234 to some users, and exposed to other users.  I believe I can make the entire field visible dependent on permissions, but I'd still like the average user to be able to see a portion in order to verify back to a customer.

I want to say I saw something like this in a User Group seminar, but can't remember what it is called.


  • This is not something M-Files supports natively: you can define property permissions as you mentioned, but if the user has the right to see the property they will see the full value as it is recorded.

    It might be possible to create a custom extension that would display the data in a separate dashboard in the preferred masked format. Or, you could hide the actual property with the full value with permissions and store the masked version to another property in an event handler script so that this property would be visible for most users. Perhaps someone else can think of other ways to achieve the same.

    For redacting sensitive information from document contents, there are some partner solutions available. Here's one for example:

  • This is not something M-Files supports natively: you can define property permissions as you mentioned, but if the user has the right to see the property they will see the full value as it is recorded.

    It might be possible to create a custom extension that would display the data in a separate dashboard in the preferred masked format. Or, you could hide the actual property with the full value with permissions and store the masked version to another property in an event handler script so that this property would be visible for most users. Perhaps someone else can think of other ways to achieve the same.

    For redacting sensitive information from document contents, there are some partner solutions available. Here's one for example:

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