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Seperate Preview Vault Application - Fast Browsing Compatible Version available?

Dear all,

some time ago M-Files released a very useful client side vault application named "separate preview". It basically allowed to click on a document and preview its content in a separate window so that metadata and the file content can be shown side by side. 
Since the August release, a warning is shown to the user saying that vault applications require an update. This is triggered by the "separate preview" application. The fact that the warning is shown is actually quite useful, although it could be limited to the admin only.

However, my real need is a "separate preview" Vault application that is fast browsing compatible. Does somebody have that? I see that the files contained in this vault application are some small JavaScript files only. So it's probably not too hard to fix them (for somebody who knows how to do it Wink ).



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  • The install-application.ps1 file is designed to allow you to easily build the application and deploy it.  It simply automates the connection to the vault, installation of the application, and restart of the vault.  Fundamentally what it does is no different to you doing it manually.  It is simply a short-cut for developers who are constantly making changes/fixes and deploying to a local vault to see the results.

  • Okay,

    found a bug in

    Samples.UIHelpers/appdef.xml at editing · M-Files/Samples.UIHelpers · GitHub

    Double Version Declaration prevents from install.. Removing one entry lets me install it manually but still dont get installed automatically with uihelpers mfappx..

  • Well, that's embarrassing.  That's obviously either a copy/paste issue or a merge issue.

    I've pushed a fix, but it does highlight that the editing branch is more bleeding-edge.

    Edit: looks like I broke it here: Added warning to dashboard. · M-Files/Samples.UIHelpers@3d37633 (

  • More human than embarrassing ;) Thanks for fixing!

    With editing branch I get an error on opening preview/metadata:

    CustomControlSite.cpp, 1051, Die Eigenschaft "addEventListener" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden. (0x80040008)
    View all metadata UIX: common-dashboard.js, 288, Die Eigenschaft "addEventListener" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden. (0x80040008)
    MErrorHelper.cpp, 2457, Die Eigenschaft "addEventListener" eines undefinierten oder Nullverweises kann nicht abgerufen werden. (0x80040008)
    (M-Files 23.1.12196.5 2023-01-25T14:01:13.872Z)

  • I had time during a call, so made a fix for this.

  • I can confirm the fix is working!

    Can you give me a hint on how to set a Window Title for the Preview and Metadata Window? I simply want to call the Preview Window "Preview" and Metadata "Metadata"..

    Background is I'm using a tool (Display Fusion) to split a Monitor in several Areas and I then I could automatically place the Windows on differant Screen Areas based on the Window Title..

    And Regarding 

    You'd still have the whitespace for them, though.  You'd then need to alter the CSS to move the top menu bar upwards (that is somewhere in this file, I think, probably the "" declaration), and to position the previewer correctly (the previewer declaration in here).

    Should there be a separate common.mfapx generated? Cause If I edit these files they won't be in the compiled mfapx files..

    Additionally I noticed that Preview doesn't work for PDF Files in a Multi File Document, is there a possibility to add this function? This possibility would also help me for my own scripts where I show a button for a file to open with a specific application this also works only for Single File Documents..

  • The window titles are in the dashboard files (e.g. line 6 here).  I recall that I tried to get them to be customised via the code, but something (knockoutjs, or the way we spawn the windows) didn't update when the value was set via code.  So setting it to a static value should work.

    The common project declares and then bundles various common files.  If you see in the other projects they reference things like "common-dashboard.js"; this is generated by the common project.  The project itself isn't a UIX or VAF application; it just exists to enable (and bundle) shared files.

    Regarding your final question: there's a number of things that I considered supporting.  The first step would be to create some issues in the repository detailing the sorts of things that people would like adding.

    I have to note though that this is a sample.  It is not meant for production use, and I am making zero promises about me having time to implement any specific enhancements in the future.  If people have some requirements and would like to add functionality, then reach out to me and we can talk about how this should be done with the aim to get it merged.

  • Window Title works Slight smile

    The common project declares and then bundles various common files. 

    I get the concept now!

    Regarding your final question: there's a number of things that I considered supporting.  The first step would be to create some issues in the repository detailing the sorts of things that people would like adding.

    Okay, I see the Issues page is the right place.. Maybe I can also contribute some day when my coding skills evolve..