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Seperate Preview Vault Application - Fast Browsing Compatible Version available?

Dear all,

some time ago M-Files released a very useful client side vault application named "separate preview". It basically allowed to click on a document and preview its content in a separate window so that metadata and the file content can be shown side by side. 
Since the August release, a warning is shown to the user saying that vault applications require an update. This is triggered by the "separate preview" application. The fact that the warning is shown is actually quite useful, although it could be limited to the admin only.

However, my real need is a "separate preview" Vault application that is fast browsing compatible. Does somebody have that? I see that the files contained in this vault application are some small JavaScript files only. So it's probably not too hard to fix them (for somebody who knows how to do it Wink ).



  • You'd need to comment out lines 14 and 24-26 on this page.  Or you could set them to display: none in the CSS.

    You'd still have the whitespace for them, though.  You'd then need to alter the CSS to move the top menu bar upwards (that is somewhere in this file, I think, probably the "" declaration), and to position the previewer correctly (the previewer declaration in here).

    Note that the common stuff is used in both applications.  If you wanted to remove it from just the previewer then you'd need to instead override it in the previewer-specific dashboard CSS file.

  • That's what I already did (remove lines 14, 24-26 from dashboard.html), but the button is still there.. The title is also not gone..

  • Did you recompile the app, re-deploy, log out of the desktop client (not just shut it), then log back in?

    I'm not sure what to say, provided you altered the correct dashboard (there's two - make sure you're altering the preview one).  These items aren't created by the script, they are simply altered (e.g. the text) or have event handlers attached (e.g. close).  They physically come from those lines of HTML.

  • Recompiled, uninstalled from vault, restarted vault, installed and of course logged out of vault.. Still investigating Smiley

  • One thing I should also say is that the code in the "editing" branch is significantly newer (if you look at the two available "modules" and the name of the branch then you can probably work out what it started to do).  I don't think that changes anything with respect to this conversation, but it's worth highlighting.

    I think it broadly worked, but I'd need to go back and check whether it's in a state where I could merge it to the main branch.

  • Okay found it, looked in:

    C:\Program Files\M-Files\23.1.12196.5\Client\Apps\[...]

    and the changes were not present there..

    Still don't know why, took the three *.mfappx files from "src\UIHelpers\bin\Debug" folder and copied to desktop.. Then installed "UIHelpers.mfappx" and the Client Apps were also present automatically..

    Have to add, M-Files is installed on another machine than VS..

  • Thanks for mention, will look at the editing branch instead.. Regarding my problem, maybe Im deploying wrong, should I use


    instead of installing the mfappx?

  • The install-application.ps1 file is designed to allow you to easily build the application and deploy it.  It simply automates the connection to the vault, installation of the application, and restart of the vault.  Fundamentally what it does is no different to you doing it manually.  It is simply a short-cut for developers who are constantly making changes/fixes and deploying to a local vault to see the results.

  • Okay,

    found a bug in

    Samples.UIHelpers/appdef.xml at editing · M-Files/Samples.UIHelpers · GitHub

    Double Version Declaration prevents from install.. Removing one entry lets me install it manually but still dont get installed automatically with uihelpers mfappx..

  • Well, that's embarrassing.  That's obviously either a copy/paste issue or a merge issue.

    I've pushed a fix, but it does highlight that the editing branch is more bleeding-edge.

    Edit: looks like I broke it here: Added warning to dashboard. · M-Files/Samples.UIHelpers@3d37633 (

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