Workflow: Send notifications to group that reviewer belongs to

I am creating a workflow.  In the workflow, I select a reviewer and the Department.  I have a property called 'Department' with value list that has the departments.

The workflow ends with sending a notification to the department (i.e.,  How can I find in the metadata the reviewer belongs to?  The reviewer belongs to a User Group that is the same name as the Department.

Please assist.  Thanks.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks  .  You're right.  I may have to redo the vault structure.  Ugh!

    I just created a Department Object.  Now, how do I call the User Group in the Workflow Notification Recipients?  When I click on add recipients, I have 3 options:  User or user groups, user from metadata, and user from state transitions. 

    How do I enter reviewer.department.department?  If I select User Groups, I only have the option to select the actual user group and not a variable 'reviewer.department.department.
