Hubshare explorer view showing unfinished items


This explorer view that I am sharing is showing records that I started creating in Hubshare (creator extension) but could not be saved for various reasons (mostly states not allowed in workflow).  These records do not appear in M-Files but they do appear in my widget.  Is there a way to prevent them from appearing.

Thanks in advance, 


  • Hi Irene,

    First, I assume the best approach would be to prevent the Creator widget to succeed if something is not allowed on the vault. 

    Then, isn't it possible to add more filters on the explorer widget to filter out the objects not fitting with your needs?

    Finally, if they are visible in M-Files they also should be visible somehow in the vault, you should then be able to clean them up.

    In the worst case scenario, do not hesitate to open a support ticket to get more help.

  • Hi Irene,

    First, I assume the best approach would be to prevent the Creator widget to succeed if something is not allowed on the vault. 

    Then, isn't it possible to add more filters on the explorer widget to filter out the objects not fitting with your needs?

    Finally, if they are visible in M-Files they also should be visible somehow in the vault, you should then be able to clean them up.

    In the worst case scenario, do not hesitate to open a support ticket to get more help.
