How to stop users from viewing the file attached to a an object that appears in a View in Hubshare

Hi community, 

To get around the issue of not being able to send email notifications after an object is created in Hubshare using the creator widget, I thought I could display the recent request that have been created and the stage in the process.  But I don't want to show the files attached because they contain personal information.  Is there a way, through permissions either in M-Files or in Hubshare to prevent users from clicking on the object and opening the file?  Basically, I just want them to see, that a request was sent, the time and the columns that are displayed in the view?

If I could filter these results so that they only show the records that each user submitted, would be the ideal solution, but I don't know how to do that.

Thanks in advance, 


Parents Reply
  • Hi Teemu, 

    Thanks for looking at my question.  I did try that but as you say yourself it does not prevent anyone from opening a form that is not theirs.  

    I think I figured out a way to create a view that only displays the forms created by the user that is logged in.  

    I am going to do a bit more testing to see if that resolves my issue.  In the absence of notifications, to allow each user to see the form that they submitted and the stage that they are at.

