C# Rest Api TLS/SSL Connection Error

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to connect to the cash register with the AuthenticateUsingCredentials function. While establishing a connection to the vault, I receive the error: The underlying connection was closed: "The trust relationship could not be established within the SSL/TLS secure channel. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure." There is no error in the username and password. Additionally, no changes have been made to the codes. What is the reason for receiving such an error in the previously accessed vault? What change should I make? Please help me. Thanks in advance.

  • This is a dotnet error caused by your server configuration.

    A google search for "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure" returned a tonne of possible answers, including this Stack Overflow post: c# - The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure - Stack Overflow

  • But when I run the project on localhost, I cannot access the safe. Are you still saying it's due to the same reason? By the way, my domain name starts with http.

  • I don't know what you mean.

    The error message is because the code cannot access the server due to an issue with the SSL handshake.  The error explicitly states that it's to do with the remote certificate.  My guess would be that the remote certificate used by the vault isn't trusted by your machine for some reason.  This could be an expired certificate, an untrusted CA, etc.

    I'd start by looking at some of the content in the like I gave you.

  • So how can I solve this? The internet I use is the internet of a large multi-user company. Maybe a change has been made regarding the firewall or SSL/TLS settings. The machine I use is a machine that is remotely controlled by the system administrator and necessary changes are made from time to time. I have no knowledge about this subject. If I can fully understand the solution to the error, I can decide more clearly what to do. What do you suggest I do about this? Of course, if the error is on the m-files side, the situation is different. The project I developed was prepared in Visual Studio with C#. I'm trying to access the vault in this project.

  • I'm not sure how much more I can guide you.  As I said: this is a situation where dotnet is not accepting the remote certificate; the exact reason could be any number of things.  It's highly unlikely that the issue is directly related to M-Files at all, but to the infrastructure around it.

    Trying to be helpful, maybe...

    • Have you looked at any of the options shown on the link I gave you? There was a huge range of possibilities there, so have you researched into whether any are appropriate?
    • Have you spoken to the administrator of the system(s) involved to see whether they've made a change?
  • First of all, thank you very much for your interest. I found the cause of the error. The error is caused by Restsharp removing the MFWSClient method from the relevant version. However, when I tried other versions, I saw that there was no relevant method. How can I find a solution to this problem?

    Restsharp Version: 106.12.0

    MFaaP.MFWSClient Version: 1.3.0-alpha

    Now I'm getting this error message:

    System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'Void RestSharp.RestClient..ctor(System.Uri)'.'

  • First of all, thank you very much for your interest. I found the cause of the error. The error is caused by Restsharp removing the MFWSClient method from the relevant version. However, when I tried other versions, I saw that there was no relevant method. How can I find a solution to this problem?

    Restsharp Version: 106.12.0

    MFaaP.MFWSClient Version: 1.3.0-alpha

    Now I'm getting this error message:

    System.MissingMethodException: 'Method not found: 'Void RestSharp.RestClient..ctor(System.Uri)'.'
