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Opening documents from M-files web in Office desktop by default

In the new M-files web client, it appears that the default way to open Office documents is through Office 365/The "web" version of Office.

Is it possible to make the desktop version of Office the default way of opening documents from M-files Web?
  • I see. That's disappointing.

    We don't have Office for the web so that's not an option internally, and external users will not have the desktop client installed. It's rather annoying to be told that you can't open the document every time you try to open it the normal way, and have to right-click and select a "hidden" option just to open a document...

    Thanks for the information.
  • I see. That's disappointing.

    We don't have Office for the web so that's not an option internally, and external users will not have the desktop client installed. It's rather annoying to be told that you can't open the document every time you try to open it the normal way, and have to right-click and select a "hidden" option just to open a document...

    Thanks for the information.
  • Where do you right-click to see the "hidden" option to open the document?

    We're having the same issues where the file does not open from the native app on the desktop when using the m-files web.  Has there been any fix on this issue?  Thanks.