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Road map for new Web Client

In the product description of the new web client are some topics explicitely marked as not available yet. Ok so far.

Some features we would need quite soon:

  • Meta data card configuration - especially hidden / required and other security relevant settings
  • Compliance kit Object copy - because we use this for a feature which many MacBook user should use

Afterwards I'm just waiting for a possibility to develop UIX which also works on new Web Client because I've cancelled my actions in this direction because most of Sales, managers, team leads and even software developers use MacBooks - then it would make no sense to develop something that a majority of users can't use. I thought of displaying help pages depending on the selected object(s) / document(s) / view(s) - and if available the working instruction for a specific workflow state. -> Target group are users which only sometimes use M-Files (yet) to make the usage easier for them to achieve a better standing for M-Files as one of a number of internal systems the users must know.

Logging in without DOMAIN\ before the user account would also be good like in Classic Web.

Summary: How is the roadmap for the next months?

  • Hi There!

    The last update I received from the product team responsible for updates to M-Files Web, full parity of  Metadata Card functionality in Web is planned and is currently being targeted for release by the end of the year (2021).  I am uncertain about the UIX capability support for Web at this time but till follow up with you on this.  Some of the features you describe sound similar to a subset of Metadata Card Config Features, specifically the Banner Descriptions and specific property Descriptions and Tooltips.  I know that other customers have implemented these to provide the proactive coaching and advice to their users regarding what may or may not be expected when objects are in certain stages of a workflow, as well as providing advice on what information might be expected within specific metadata fields. Circling back to your original question regarding feature parity, this may also be something pending support...

  • Short Description of my security problem - could this be solved earlier???

    • Property definition "TenantW (German: Mandant) is implemented as full rights for all users
    • Tenant should be selectable for incoming invoices 
    • After marking the invoice as captured by accounting employee the field tenant should be readonly because a number was generated for this tenant,
    • The reaonly property will be set within a sub-rule for the workflow states except empty or new.
    • Changing the tenant the numbering range used for tenant would have a gap which would be relevant according to GoBD + the assingment to the Diamandt software whould be difficult
    • No invoice will be deleted - only set to new state "nabled"

    As described the new web client does not support (forcing !!! - also difficult in desktop client to ensure this as a mandatory configuration) the metadata card configuration which means

    • The field would NOT be set readonly = "normal" users can change the values newerthelelless if the
    • This would cause a gap between invoice numbers because of moving on invoice to another tenant (should be marked with state deleted and copied to a new version)

    Fixing without wating M-Files version (securigty -fitting solution ad NOT:

    • BeforeCheckiInClassEvent for the relevant class for invoice for example:
    • if the current state is not empty and not captured then compare current ObjVerEx with ObjVerEx.PreviousVersion
    • if it differs then it was changed where it should not be changed -> throw exception
    • = DIRTY HACK: Usuability means that the user cannot change the property is forbitten already by lockig the infrocesouce

    Better solution: forbid changing already in Deskop clent

    Please: do also metadata card configuration for setting up fix values etc. - fields with special logic where the behavior of a whole document, object or workflow changes by ignoring

  • Short Description of my security problem - could this be solved earlier???

    • Property definition "TenantW (German: Mandant) is implemented as full rights for all users
    • Tenant should be selectable for incoming invoices 
    • After marking the invoice as captured by accounting employee the field tenant should be readonly because a number was generated for this tenant,
    • The reaonly property will be set within a sub-rule for the workflow states except empty or new.
    • Changing the tenant the numbering range used for tenant would have a gap which would be relevant according to GoBD + the assingment to the Diamandt software whould be difficult
    • No invoice will be deleted - only set to new state "nabled"

    As described the new web client does not support (forcing !!! - also difficult in desktop client to ensure this as a mandatory configuration) the metadata card configuration which means

    • The field would NOT be set readonly = "normal" users can change the values newerthelelless if the
    • This would cause a gap between invoice numbers because of moving on invoice to another tenant (should be marked with state deleted and copied to a new version)

    Fixing without wating M-Files version (securigty -fitting solution ad NOT:

    • BeforeCheckiInClassEvent for the relevant class for invoice for example:
    • if the current state is not empty and not captured then compare current ObjVerEx with ObjVerEx.PreviousVersion
    • if it differs then it was changed where it should not be changed -> throw exception
    • = DIRTY HACK: Usuability means that the user cannot change the property is forbitten already by lockig the infrocesouce

    Better solution: forbid changing already in Deskop clent

    Please: do also metadata card configuration for setting up fix values etc. - fields with special logic where the behavior of a whole document, object or workflow changes by ignoring

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