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New mfiles web (vnext) web url link to document

in the classic mfiles web, you can right click a document and choose "get m-files web url" and copy a link that would download the selected file or view the file in mfiles web.

This link is useful on our company web to let users click a link and download documents from mfiles.

How can I do the same thing in the new mfiles web (vnext)?

Vnext web shows a hyperlink icon when you over mouse over a document.  clicking the icon shows a message "link copied to clipboard".  However, when i paste the link all it shows is the name of the document, not a hyperlink.

thanks in advance.

  • My experience with the new web client is that the copied link (from the hover icon) is a hyperlink but whether the link is preserved when pasting depends on the application you are pasting into. Some applications may strip out the link so you only get the name of the document when pasting.

    Here is such a link pasted to Outlook (link is working):

    Here is the same link pasted to Notepad (link obviously not working in a plain text document):

    If you want to get the direct address to the linked document, so far I haven't found a better way than first pasting to an application where the link is preserved, clicking the link to open it in a browser and then copying the address from the browser's address bar. (If someone can suggest a better way please share!)

    Hopefully there'll be enhancements in this regard as the new web client develops further. 

  • That worked thank you!

    The link opens vnext with the same view as the original page i copied link from.

    The next question is, how do I create a link that downloads the document without opening the vnext web page?

    I am building a cms that will have many links to documents and need the link to download the document.


  • I'm afraid there are no other types of links yet available with the new web client. I'm hoping there will be a document similar to Creating M-Files Web URLs is for Classic Web when new linking options are added to New Web.

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  • We have a calculated metadata property we call OutsideURL using VB script:

    Option Explicit

    Dim webSite

    Dim GUID1
    GUID1 = Vault.ObjectOperations.GetObjectGUID(ObjVer.ObjID)

    Dim objID
    Set objID = ObjVer.ObjID
    Dim objVersion
    Dim GUID2
    set objVersion = Vault.ObjectOperations.GetLatestObjectVersionAndProperties(objID, true)
    Dim myFiles
    set myFiles = objVersion.VersionData.Files
    Dim myFile
    For Each myFile in myFiles
    GUID2 = myFile.FileGUID

    Dim fullURL
    fullURL = webSite & Vault.GetGUID & "&objectGUID=" & GUID1 & "&fileGUID=" & GUID2

    Output = fullURL

    Unfortunately, this is just a download link.  Can we an Action=Open so the document can be displayed in the browser?