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Changing the 4 quadrants in M-Files Desktop

Hi.. i'm not sure if this question has been asked before. Browsed through the community but didn't find anything on this.

Just wondering if there are ways to change these 2 sections into something else.

For example, a customer would like to have the left box as a Review Job list and the bottom right box as Approval Job List.

  • I guess not but I also wonder why we cannot assign different Views here.. As a workaround you could make a copy of e.g. of a standard view and then customize the filter criteria of the original to match the view you want to see.. But the title stays the same (like "Checked Out to Me") and you cannot rename it so it will end beeing kind of confusing..

    Maybe someone else has a better idea..

  • I guess not but I also wonder why we cannot assign different Views here.. As a workaround you could make a copy of e.g. of a standard view and then customize the filter criteria of the original to match the view you want to see.. But the title stays the same (like "Checked Out to Me") and you cannot rename it so it will end beeing kind of confusing..

    Maybe someone else has a better idea..
