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How to filter multiple and specific ID's from a View

Hi All,

I have a View and I want to filter about 6 individual document ID's from showing up in the View.

I tried with separators , and ; and spaces/no spaces between ID's but this doesn't seem to work and the documents still show up in my View.

Is it even possible to filter more than one ID number??

I can't find any information on this from the official M-Files resources.

  • The Object ID filter can only take one value as far as I know, at least I haven't ever seen a view with multiple IDs defined. What's the use case here? What kind of content is the view showing and why do you need to exclude these six documents? Would there be a property-based filter that you can use?

  • Good morning Joonas,

    I built a View where users should be able to see documents that were created by OR involving them. Because of the limitations of filtering, I can't specify that this View contains documents created by OR that name the user (I can only specify one or the other criteria - but not both), so this means that the user will see every document in the defined classes that are viewable to them.

    The six document numbers are generic reference/system documents and should be viewable by all staff, so they are going to show up in this View for everybody, and this goes against the intention of the View as intended. So if I can 'exclude' these specific documents only from showing up that would solve my issue.

  • Good morning Joonas,

    I built a View where users should be able to see documents that were created by OR involving them. Because of the limitations of filtering, I can't specify that this View contains documents created by OR that name the user (I can only specify one or the other criteria - but not both), so this means that the user will see every document in the defined classes that are viewable to them.

    The six document numbers are generic reference/system documents and should be viewable by all staff, so they are going to show up in this View for everybody, and this goes against the intention of the View as intended. So if I can 'exclude' these specific documents only from showing up that would solve my issue.

  • If there's only one or a couple of classes you are displaying in this view, you might want to consider adding a separate property to those classes for this purpose, for instance a Boolean property "Reference document" which would be set to "Yes" on those six docs. Then you should be able to use an additional filter "Reference document != Yes" in the view. This property can be hidden from end users to avoid confusion.

    It's not the most elegant solution but views are not particularly well suited for these types of scenarios where you need to exclude specific individual docs.

  • Thanks Joonas, that's a simple solution around the issue, thank you.