Group Class and Class Permissions - Hide Class Name on object creation but display on specific permission

Hello everyone,

I'd like to hide certain HR classes (which are in a group class) when a user wants to create a new object but I want them to see the object (HR Class) when permissions are given to them (Permissions based on a property).

Thanks for your help, regards,

Parents Reply Children
  • The situation I'm having, is that we want documents of a certain class, to be only created by a process in another system.  Our developer had a process what was creating these documents in the vault and it was working fine.  Then I attempted to restrict create of the form from users manually creating them by going to the Permissions tab of the document class and for all internal and external users, for the option "Attach objects to this class" I selected Deny.  Then on the same tab, I added the same user that will be running the process in the other system to create the docs and I set the "Attach objects to this class" to Allow.  But the developer continues to get "Access denied" errors like the following:

    {"ErrorCode":"2020","Status":500,"URL":"/objects/0","Method":"POST","Exception":{"Name":"COMException","Message":"Access denied.\r\nYou are not allowed to attach objects to the \"FNOL Temporary2\" class.","InnerException":{"Name":"MFilesException","Message":"Access denied.\r\nYou are not allowed to attach objects to the \"FNOL Temporary2\" class.","StackText":"Error reference ID: 5616dffe-201e-4b29-aff2-1fef07a3bed5","ErrorCode":"2020"}},"Stack":"Error reference ID: 5616dffe-201e-4b29-aff2-1fef07a3bed5","Message":"Access denied.\r\nYou are not allowed to attach objects to the \"FNOL Temporary2\" class.","IsLoggedToVault":true,"IsLoggedToApplication":true,"ExceptionName":"COMException"}

  • You should let the checkboxes for attach, unchecked, and not deny.

  • Thanks Radu, that fixed it!  I guess I'm unclear though on why it worked.  What's the difference between checking "Deny" and not checking "Allow?"

  • the deny is enforced on users or groups, so any other permission is ignored.

  • "Deny" is the strongest option which overrides any other permission granted, so it should mostly be used for exceptions. For instance: allow access to all users in this user group ("Allow" for the user group) except for this particular user ("Deny" for the specific user). In most cases you should just leave "Allow" unchecked if you don't want to give access.