PowerShell Script for Copy Vault

Hello All,

We have two vaults - production and development.
Both vault use SQL DB
From time to time we create copy from the production vault through the admin panel.
Has anyone tried to create a PowerShell script for this operation or have script example?
I appreciate any help.

P.S. I know this question was asked two year ago but except two (CopyVaultJob and  CopyVault) the reference to manual we did not received any answers.

Parents Reply
  • I have replicated this issue and found an older tracker item related to it with ID 129320.

    It appears that some methods in the COM API are not callable from within PowerShell.  This is to do with how the data is passed between PowerShell and M-Files itself.  CopyVault appears to be one such affected method.

    At the moment it appears that the only workaround is to use a different environment (e.g. C#) to run such scripts, as these pass data through to M-Files in the expected manner.
