AI Assistant for All M-Files Questions Now Available in M-Files Help Center

AI Assistant for All M-Files Questions Now Available in M-Files Help Center

M-Files Help Center is now equipped with an AI assistant* that helps M-Files users with all sorts of questions that they may have about M-Files. You can ask the assistant whatever you may want to know about the use of M-Files, and it answers in natural language with links to sources to back up the provided information. You can also keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions.

The assistant makes use of the M-Files user guide and M-Files Help Center as its information sources, and it employs generative AI capabilities to understand natural language questions as well as to provide answers in natural language.

Try it out today at M-Files Help Center by clicking the Ask AI assistant button.

If you notice any issues with the assistant or have improvement ideas, please don't hesitate to contact us at

*This AI assistant is designed exclusively to enhance your experience with M-Files Help Center. It is not connected to other M-Files AI functionalities, such as M-Files Aino, which is integrated into the M-Files client.

Here are a few answers to questions that you may have about this announcement:

Is it related to M-Files Aino?

The AI assistant in M-Files Help Center and M-Files Aino, which is available in the M-Files client, are two separate products that use different underlying technologies.

How does it work?

In its backend, the AI assistant is powered by a technique called retrieval augmented generation (RAG).

RAG first retrieves relevant information from external sources based on a search query and secondly, it uses the retrieved information and natural language processing (NLP) to provide context-aware responses in human language.

The sources used by the AI assistant are the contents of the M-Files user guide and M-Files Help Center. No other sources are indexed. This ensures that the assistant uses only trustworthy, peer-reviewed user assistance sources authored by the people at M-Files.

NLP, on the other hand, is used by the assistant to understand natural language questions and the context of the conversation, and to provide answers in a natural language.

To whom is it available?

The AI assistant is freely available on the M-Files Help Center landing page. You can access M-Files Help Center at or by clicking the help icon in the M-Files user interface. On the landing page, you'll find a button with the text "Ask AI assistant".

Is it available somewhere else?

For now, the AI assistant is embedded in M-Files Help Center only. Once we've gathered feedback and corrected any issues that may arise with the use of the assistant, we can consider placing it on other sites as well, such as the M-Files user guide.

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