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Disabling creation of Multi-File documents

Hi all, is there a way to disable the creation of multi-files documents?



  • Multi-file documents are a core feature of M-Files so it's not possible to completely disable their use as far as I know. May I ask what is the issue you are dealing with? New M-Files users may need some training to grasp the concept, see for instance this discussion on some thoughts on the topic.

  • is it possibility to deny a multi-file conversion option in a specific class or workflow? document history is a very important in some cases for us, and it disappears if document are converted to multi-file, or is it any way to restore the multi-file to separate documents with the history? 

  • is it possibility to deny a multi-file conversion option in a specific class or workflow? document history is a very important in some cases for us, and it disappears if document are converted to multi-file, or is it any way to restore the multi-file to separate documents with the history? 
