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Disabling creation of Multi-File documents

Hi all, is there a way to disable the creation of multi-files documents?



Parents Reply
  • Ah, that's a bit different case. Version history is always specific to a document object, so if your document ID changes (like in your case when copying files to a multi-file document) then you'll lose the version history from the original doc. You may want to consider using document collections for related documents instead of combining docs to a single multi-file document, that way each document's version history is preserved.

  • Yes, I know the possibilities of the document collection, but my question...according to my understanding, this option cannot be blocked or converted documents cannot be restored without backup procedures. This is ok, I just want to know if there is any way. Thank you.  

  • There's no built-in configuration option to prevent these operations, but it might be possible to come up with a custom solution (e.g. event handlers and/or UI extensions). These would require some development effort. If this is a major issue for you, I suggest raising this with your M-Files representative.