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Radio button and Checkbox for Metadata Cards

Dear Team

Is it possible to have a radio button or checkbox in the M-Files Metadata card. Also will it be possible to build column like in excel in the metadata card.

For Eg. I would like to have First Name __________   Last Name ________ 

instead of

First Name___________

Last Name___________

  • Radio buttons and checkboxes can be used for single-select and multi-select properties, respectively, with metadata card configuration.

    Metadata card configuration:


    Displaying properties side by side is not currently supported, they are always listed on top of each other.

  • Dear Joonas

    Many thanks, I am trying to do something like a table below in the metadata card; what will be the best possible way

    If I add a check box I am not getting the desired output (display below) I should get options as ok and not ok?

    Also which way would be best to create this table, should i make Test column as a value list or Server 1,2,3 as value list. What do you suggest. I dont want a long metadata card, as short as possible (if possible)

    Thanks for your usual support.

  • Dear Joonas

    Many thanks, I am trying to do something like a table below in the metadata card; what will be the best possible way

    If I add a check box I am not getting the desired output (display below) I should get options as ok and not ok?

    Also which way would be best to create this table, should i make Test column as a value list or Server 1,2,3 as value list. What do you suggest. I dont want a long metadata card, as short as possible (if possible)

    Thanks for your usual support.
