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Comment PROPERTY_33 not working in Workflow Assignments/Notifications

During the workflow process I'm trying to pass the last comment into the body of the Assignment email.  I add the placeholder %Property_33% but it is never sent in the email assignment.  Tried a notification, also not sent in that either.

Bug?  Please advise, I'd really like to pass comments onto the next user in the workflow process
  • Comments are always version-specific so if you use the %PROPERTY_33% placeholder it will only include the comment if it was added in the same object version that triggers the email sending.

    If you always need to include the latest comment even from previous object versions you need some custom scripting to access the comments from the object history. Another option is to add a new text property to the document and ask your users to fill that for assignment instructions (or automatically copy the latest comment to that property in an event handler script).
  • OK. The comment I was hoping to use is the one the user gets when they click on the next workflow step. They are prompted with a comment box, click OK, and then it moves along the workflow. What you're saying is that PROPERTY_33 of the assignment email is for the version that is created by stepping the workflow forward and therefore contains nothing. Hrm, sounds like something that should be worked on.

    So what I need to do is copy the last comment to a new property and send that new property in the assignment/notification.

    Also, do I need to hit a post limit or something to get rid of this capcha/country founded question in order to post, or is this a permanent thing?

  • OK. The comment I was hoping to use is the one the user gets when they click on the next workflow step. They are prompted with a comment box, click OK, and then it moves along the workflow. What you're saying is that PROPERTY_33 of the assignment email is for the version that is created by stepping the workflow forward and therefore contains nothing. Hrm, sounds like something that should be worked on.

    It boils down to whether the workflow state transition and comment addition are part of the same transaction as the assignment creation and notification sending. If they are, then the comment is available to the placeholder. If they are not, then the comment might be saved to an earlier object version and not available. You can check from the object version history how it looks in your case. I tested this with a simple setup and was able to include the comment in the notification (see attached screenshots).

    Also, do I need to hit a post limit or something to get rid of this capcha/country founded question in order to post, or is this a permanent thing?

    This should only appear for the first posts, not sure what is the limit.
  • OK I see what is going on now. It appears I will have to go down the path of creating a Property specifically for the comments.

    In my workflow the user picks an outcome of their step and then that outcome has an auto transition to the next appropriate step. That step is where the assignment is created which is of the version that is AFTER the user inserted their comments. I see how it works now.