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M-Files Configuration Frequency Interval

I am working on setting up something in my configuration that includes a RecurringOperationConfiguration

I have it working for schedule without any issue but when I try and lookup Interval it seems a bit vague and I don't really understand what the Time Value in the configuration is for.

It says it is configurable but I don't quite understand how to control the interval from the admin if it's giving me a Time Value. I've ready the following and haven't clued in on what I should be doing to allow the admin to decide what the interval should be/

What do I need to do for the admin to be able to set something like run every 2 hours?

Parents Reply
  • Craig asked me to test this, as he does not see the AM/PM issue in his environment.

    It looks like you indeed cannot set "00" in the hour part. I cannot figure out the exact logic, but it looks like it turns it back to the previous "valid" input there was before as the hour. 

    You can change the hour to 00 behind the advanced tab in JSON, then e.g. "00:00:00" will show up as "12:00:00 AM" in the editor. Which, I guess, somehow weirdly makes sense, as "00:00:00" would be midnight :)
